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Galleri GKM

Salon d’Automne

Galleri GKM

The Autumn is here and as the darkness falls and the nature turns grey we are happy to invite you to some colourful inspiration. The annual tradition of the Salon d’Automne goes back to 1903 in Paris where it was created as a reaction to the conservative policies of the official Paris Salon. This exhibition became the showroom for innovations in art during the 20th century and has played an important role in the art history.

Valerio Adami, Karel Appel, Arman, Eduardo Arroyo, César, P. Chappert-Gaujal, David Drebin, Yrjö Edelmann, Erró, Sam Francis, Philippe Huart, Peter Klasen, Yves Klein/Pompon, Bengt Lindström, Gérard Schlosser, William Sweetlove.

Welcome to enjoy the show

  • 18.11.2023
    Presse »
    Galleri GKM »


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  • Salon d’Automne (c) gkm.se
    Salon d’Automne (c) gkm.se
    Galleri GKM